“I now have more energy and enthusiasm for life. Michelle helped me find my way back to my true self.”

Don’t your children deserve their best mom?
Have you been longing to experience more joy and less frustration as a mother? Maybe you’ve always wanted to become the mom you wish you’d had? Or perhaps you had an amazing mother, but you want to be even better? But the stress, overwhelm, and endless picking up and dropping off and birthday parties and soccer games and meal times and snack times and.. and... and... have left you feeling frazzled and, dare I say it, bored with your life as a mom? Maybe you’re longing for a more meaningful life, to find the magic in the mundane, and to LOVE all that it takes to be a mom? Oh, how I’ve been there and now I’m here to help you. Motherhood often isn’t easy… We are all in this together -whether we are mothering toddlers or launching adults into the world, whether we work at home or at home plus another job, even (especially!) if we grieve children we’ve lost - this is hard work and we need to meet our own needs.
“I know how to feel powerful as a woman... without feeling ashamed or that I’m being selfish. I can celebrate myself, trust myself, and feel good about treating myself like I’m the best... and I’m more in touch with identifying what I want and asking for it in a way that makes it easy for someone to give to me.
Thank you, Michelle!”
How can a
Life Transformation Kit for Moms
Change My Life?
Everyone is talking about self-care these days and going on about oxygen masks and putting yours on first, and etcetera, etcetera. If you’re like me, you’ve thought of self-care as scheduling that monthly massage, the pumpkin-spice facial, the lunch with your old high-school friends, six-to-eight hours of sleep, a sex date with your partner, and healthy meal prep.
But what most people don’t realize is that all of those oxygen masks end up feeling like hundreds of things hanging from the sky, knocking you in the face, and adding more to your to-do list. And when you don’t get your self-care in between trips to the dentist, and new shoes for the kids, and the mountains of laundry, you end up feeling like you’ve failed. Again.
I want to make self-care easy. No, not just easy, but manageable, do-able, and INSPIRING. I want to guide you to get out of that place of boredom, overwhelm, and stress, and to teach you how to bring the magic back into motherhood.
Each month for one year, you will receive tools, a lot of inspiration, a reminder of the magic that will bring you back to your essential self, and help you to view motherhood, and yourself differently. These monthly gifts will support you in becoming the best version of YOU there is!
Are you ready to live a life full of LOVE, gratitude, and joy? To feel FULL in your role as a Mom? To experience a sense of deep fulfillment unlike what you’ve ever felt before?
Self-care for moms isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. I can help make it easier for you to be a fulfilled and happy mom.